AAA South Hill Little League Ground Rules
We follow the Little League Rule book and in the SHLL BY-LAWS unless stated in the following:
AAA Baseball Division - LEAGUE AGE : 9-10-11 (Age the player will be on August 31)
* All league age 9 players must attend scheduled evaluations/tryouts prior to playing in SHLL
* Player's must be league age 9 to Tryout for AAA-Ball - no exceptions will be made
1. Pitching plate is 46 Feet from Home Plate.
2. Bases will be 60 feet apart.
3. No infield practice before the game. Outfields may be used for warm-ups.
5. Batting practice/warmup: All players near or in use of baseball bats are required to wear a helmet.
6. AAA division teams will play 9 defensive players with 3 outfielders.
7. Teams bat the bench.
8. Minimum players per team is 8.
9. Home Team occupies 1st Base Dugout.
When the pitcher is within an eight (8) foot radius of the pitching plate and in possession of the ball, the base runners shall not leave their currently occupied base until the next pitch has crossed the plate. Runners that are more than halfway to the next base when the ball is in play and the pitcher is within the 8 foot radius and possession of the ball may continue to the next base.
(Note: An attempted pick off at a runner on base is a LIVE ball and runners may advance at their own risk.)
If after three (3) innings, if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of fifteen (15) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent.
If after four (4) innings the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of eight (10) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent.
If after five (5) innings, the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of eight (8) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent.
15 after 3
10 after 4
8 after 5
Official pitch counts will be those recorded by the official book keeper which is the home team’s book. If the home team fails to keep track of each team’s pitch counts, the manager of each team will be responsible for his pitch counts. Any pitch count discrepancies must be addressed and corrected before the teams and the umpire leave the field area.
· Players league age 11-12 may pitch up to 85 pitches per game.
· Players league age 9 - 10 may pitch up to 75 pitches per game.
· Players league age 6 - 8 may pitch up to 50 pitches per game.
Remember that pitchers may finish their last batter and go beyond their pitching threshold, but only for the last batter.
◆ 1-20 Pitches = 0 Calendar Days Rest
◆ 21-35 Pitches = 1 Calendar Days Rest
◆ 36-50 Pitches = 2 Calendar Days Rest
◆ 51-65 Pitches = 3 Calendar Days Rest
◆ 66+ Pitches = 4 Calendar Days Rest
Exception: If a pitcher reaches the limit imposed in Regulation VI(c) for his/her league age while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until any one of the following conditions occurs:
- The batter reaches base;
- The batter is put out;
- The third out is made to complete the half-inning of the game;
- The pitcher is removed from the mound prior to the batter completing his/her at bat.
A pitcher’s pitch count for the purposes of day(s) rest threshold is determined by the first pitch thrown to a batter. The pitcher may not start a new batter once the limit imposed in Regulation VI(c) has been met.
Any player who has played the position of catcher in four (4) or more innings in a game is not eligible to pitch on that calendar day.
Unless amended above, rules will be played as stated. Managers are not permitted to agree to any rule changes and the umpires shall not allow any such changes.
There will be an of season tournament in AAA.
Misc Rules:
1. Tobacco products, vaping, and marijuana are not allowed and are forbidden on school grounds, any recreational fields and includes all playing fields at any practice or game - period. This applies to coaches, parents, and all volunteers and spectators. This rule is strictly enforced as violations of the No Tobacco Products rule can cause SHLL to forfeit school and recreational field permits.
2. Unless amended above, rules will be played as stated. Managers are not permitted to agree to any rule changes and the umpires shall not allow any such changes.
3. Player's must wear a protective cup.
4. Player's must be league age 9 to Tryout for AAA-Ball - no exceptions will be made.
5. No new inning after 1 hr 45 min of scheduled start time.
Rule 1.10 - Baseball: The bat must be a baseball bat which meets the USA Baseball Bat standard (USABat) as adopted by Little League. It shall be a smooth, rounded stick, and made of wood or of material and color tested and proved acceptable to the USA Baseball Bat standard (USABat).
Beginning with the 2018 season, non-wood and laminated bats used in the Little League (Majors) and below, Intermediate (50-70) Division, Junior League divisions, and Challenger division shall bear the USA Baseball logo signifying that the bat meets the USABat - USA Baseball's Youth Bat Performance Standard. All BPF - 1.15 bats will be prohibited beginning with the 2018 season. Additionally, starting in 2018, the bat diameter shall not exceed 2 5/8 inches for these divisions of play.
Bats: It shall not be more than 33 inches in length; nor more than 2 5/8 inches in diameter, and if wood, not less than fifteen-sixteenths (15/16) inches in diameter (7/8 inch for bats less than 30") at its smallest part. Wood bats taped for fitted with a sleeve may not exceed sixteen (16) inches from the small end.
Note: Solid one-piece wood barrel bats do not require a USA Baseball logo.
Updated 11/08/2023