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South Hill Little League

South Hill Little League


South Hill Little League (SHLL) BY-LAWS (GROUND RULES)


Document Version #:

Version 2

Document Approval date:

November 1, 2022


Date Approved


Description of Changes


Original ratification of bylaws. All subsequent changes were not tracked until 2022.





South Hill Little League (SHLL) operates under a charter granted annually by Little League Baseball, Inc.  SHLL is empowered with freedom to elect its own officers, finance its program and carry on various other related functions, but it must adhere meticulously to all rules and regulations established by Little League Baseball, Inc.

Table of contents

1       GENERAL POLICIES...................................................................................................................................... 4

1.1         Background Check.................................................................................................................................... 4

1.2         Player Residence Eligibility........................................................................................................................ 4

1.3         Refund Policy............................................................................................................................................ 4

1.4         Player/Parent/Spectator Code of Conduct................................................................................................... 4

2       REGULAR SEASON GAME PROCEDURES, GUIDELINES & RULES.............................................................. 5

2.1         Safety Rules.............................................................................................................................................. 5

2.2         Ground Rules............................................................................................................................................ 5

2.3         Game Protests.......................................................................................................................................... 5

3       MANAGERS AND COACHES......................................................................................................................... 6

3.1         Manager / Coach Selection........................................................................................................................ 6

3.2         Manager Responsibilities........................................................................................................................... 7

3.3         Coach Selection........................................................................................................................................ 8

3.4         Manager / Coach Training.......................................................................................................................... 9

3.5         Manager / Coach Discipline........................................................................................................................ 9

4       DIVISIONS.................................................................................................................................................... 13

5       TEAM FORMATION...................................................................................................................................... 14

5.1         T-ball, Rookies, Baseball Minors A, Baseball Minors AA, Softball Coach Pitch, and Softball Minors............... 14

5.2         Baseball Minors AAA............................................................................................................................... 14

5.3         Baseball and Softball Majors.................................................................................................................... 14

5.4         Baseball and Softball Juniors.................................................................................................................... 14

6       DRAFT PROCEDURES................................................................................................................................. 15

6.1         Baseball (Minors AAA, Majors, Juniors) and Softball (Majors, Juniors) Draft Procedure................................ 15

Plan A: Conventional Draft Plan........................................................................................................................... 15

6.2         Options................................................................................................................................................... 16

6.3         Expansion and Contraction Procedure...................................................................................................... 17

7       ALL-STARS.................................................................................................................................................. 18

7.1         All-Star Committee (ASC)......................................................................................................................... 18

7.2         Manager and Coach Eligibility and Selection.............................................................................................. 18

7.3         Baseball Player Eligibility and Selection..................................................................................................... 19

7.4       Softball Player Eligibility and Selection ................................................................................................................2120

7.5       Announcement & Commencement of All-Star Teams................................................................................. 21

8       South Hill Little League Leadership............................................................................................................. 22

8.1         Board of Directors Positions..................................................................................................................... 22

8.2         Board of Directors Roles and Responsibilities............................................................................................ 22



1.1       Background Check


Background checks are required and performed annually for all volunteers and employees of SHLL.


1.2       Player Residence Eligibility

Please refer to the Little League Handbook for guidelines on residence eligibility.


1.3       Refund Policy


Parents may cancel their child's enrollment in a South Hill Little League program or activity at any time. In the case of drafted divisions such as Majors or Minors Baseball and Softball, participants may cancel their enrollment up to the day of Skills Evaluations and receive a full refund less a $30 administrative fee. In the case of assigned divisions, participants may cancel their enrollment up to 1 week prior to their first scheduled practice and receive a full refund less a $30 administrative fee. All requests must be made in writing via email to the appropriate Player Agent. No refunds are offered for cancellations made after skills evaluations and beyond. No late or special fees will be refunded, regardless of timing of cancellation.


1.4       Player/Parent/Spectator Code of Conduct



•     Play for the fun of the game.

•     Show good sportsmanship at all times – win or lose.

•     Respect your coaches, teammates, opponents, parents and umpires.

•     Be a team player and get along with your teammates.

•     Learn the rules of the game and play by them.

•     Try your best at all times.

•     Work hard and try to improve your skills.

•     Never argue with or show disrespect towards the umpire or coaches.

•     Be positive with your teammates. Don't criticize.

•     Do not harass or act disrespectfully towards the opposing team.

•     Regularly attend practices and games and be on time.

•     Do not throw bats or helmets. These actions can lead to an immediate ejection from a game.

•     Never swear or use profane language.

•     Clean up the dugout after every game. Ask the coach what else you can do to help.

•     Violence, bullying, hazing and abuse of any nature will not be tolerated. Do not intentionally hurt another player. This will lead to an immediate ejection from the game, suspension from future games, and/or dismissal from the team.


Parents & Spectators:

•     I/we will encourage positive sportsmanship by example and will remind fellow parents if they get inappropriately carried away with their emotions during the game and will accept these reminders graciously when offered by other parents.

•     I/we will be supportive--unconditionally—and accept wins and losses, realizing the last thing a child wants to hear from us after a disappointing performance or loss is what they did wrong.

•     I/we will not sideline coach and will leave the coaching to the coaches during all practices and especially during all games.

•     I/we will emphasize skill development over winning and will do my/our best to help my child practice their skills and drills at home. Should my/our child need to miss a practice or game, I/we will notify the coach in advance.


•     I/we will interact positively with parents of opposing team and set a good example for players to show players can compete assertively and still be respectful.

•     I/we will be welcoming to all team families on and off the field. I/we will do our part to minimize gossip and criticism of teammates, other players and coaches.

•     I/we will support officials and will not criticize, ridicule, taunt, humiliate or demean players, coaches or umpires vocally during games and will leave any issues with the game officials to the coach.

•     I/we will support the team and club and will do my/out best to volunteer during tournaments, participate in fundraisers, etc.

•     I/we will make certain my/our child(ren) shows respect for all other players, coaches, officials and spectators. I/we will also encourage my/our child to have fun and enjoy his/her teammates and the competition.

•     I/we will comply with the decisions of league officials and observe all rules, policy and procedure as established or endorsed by the SHLL Board of Directors. (Re: SHLL Ground Rules)




2.1      Safety Rules:


The SHLL Board of Directors, under the advisement of the Safety Officer, annually publish a league safety plan. Please refer to the latest safety plan document found on the SHLL website (


2.2      Ground Rules


Any ground rules relating to division or fields are updated annually and posted on the SHLL website

BASEBALL Ground Rules

Softball Ground Rules  

2.2.1     Ejection From a Game


Parents, fans, coaches and managers are reminded that a person ejected from a game/ball park will leave the ballpark, to include the parking lot and surrounding park area, within two (2) minutes. A manager, coach or player ejected from a game is suspended from all team activities through and including, his or her team’s next physically played game, and may not attend the site from which they are suspended. SHLL will absolutely not tolerate uncontrolled or unsportsmanlike conduct. If a parent or fan is ejected from a game/ball park, for whatever reason, twice in one season, they will be persona non grata for the remainder of the season; they will not be allowed to come to any SHLL games.


2.3      Game Protests:


Games can only be protested on rule interpretation, NOT judgment calls. Complaints may be lodged against an official but this shall have no bearing on the game already played. If a Manager wishes to protest a game, the following steps must be taken:


•     The umpire must be informed and acknowledge that the game is being played under protest, prior to the next pitch of the game. At this point, both scorebooks are matched and the exact situation (batter, runner, outs, player in the game, etc.) at the time that play involved in the protest occurred.

•     The umpire should announce to the crowd that the game is being played under protest.

•     The protest must be filed with the appropriate Division Director who then contacts the first available person on the Board.

•     The protest must be written out and filed with 48 hours of the protest and a $40.00 Protest Fee due immediately upon a protest being filed. Should the Protest Committee rule in favor of the petitioner, the

$40.00 Protest Fee shall be 100% refunded to the petitioner. Should the Protest Committee rule against the petitioner, the $40.00 Protest Fee will be forfeited by the petitioner to the General Fund.

•     The protest shall be ruled upon by a gathered Protest Committee which is composed of any four members of the Board and the league President.

•     Protest on player eligibility and non-use of a player must be made to the umpire and opposing Manager before the teams leave the playing field.

•     If a protest is upheld, the game will be resumed from the exact situation in which the protest was lodged.

Except in cases of ineligible player, in which the game shall be declared a forfeit.


The Protest Committee will handle all protest and decisions but will not consider any protest unless the protesting team has a complete and accurate scorebook record of the game. There are no protests allowed at the Minors "A" Division level or below. All games will be played as scheduled. Any complaints are to be addressed with the South Hill Little League Board of Directors, beginning with the specific Division Director (Minors "A" and lower league divisions only).


Duties of the Protest Committee include:


•     Settle all disputes.

•     Suspend players and Manager/Asst. Coaches.

•     Check player eligibility and team rosters.

•     Inspect team rosters and player releases.

•     Sanction all transfers.

•     Render all decisions which, by the nature of their importance, need to be settled by the Protest Committee.

•     No Protest Committee member shall participate in a hearing protest involving another team in his or her team's division.

•     The Protest Committee must rule and report their findings within forty-eight (48) hours after receipt of notice, to the protesting Manager, the Manager of the other team and the Division Director. The report may be verbal which is to be followed by a letter within (5) days.




3.1       Manager / Coach Selection


The adult instructors have the responsibility of the overall welfare of all the player-oriented activities in the SHLL Baseball and Softball programs. The Managers and Coaches (collectively as “Coaches”) have the total team responsibility, some of which include: establish team rules and discipline, conduct parent’s meetings, publish schedules provided by the Board, oversee work parties which involve the parents, be prepared for practice and games and ensure the adherence to all the SHLL rules and regulations and policies. The Coaches have the responsibility of the players in instruction, safety, sportsmanship and development of team play.




All individuals interested in managing a team must apply to be a manager on a year-to-year basis. The President appoints all managers and coaches, subject to approval by the Board of Directors. The Manager Selection Committee (MSC) reviews and vets all manager applicants (after they have cleared a background check) and recommends MSC approved manager candidates to the President. If the President does not approve an MSC approved individual as a manager, the President shall instruct the MSC to vet additional applicants. The President should not approve a manager applicant that has not been properly vetted and approved by the MSC. When the available manager positions have been approved by the President, the MSC and the President will present the names of the approved manager candidates to the Board for final approval. If the President rejected a MSC approved manager applicant, the President may briefly summarize why the applicant(s) was rejected as  a courtesy to the MSC and to the Board. Manager applicants rejected by the President are simply not approved and no Board of Directors action is allowed. The Board of Directors can either approve in total or reject in total the President’s approved manager appointments.


The MSC should use the following commitment statements and leadership qualities when reviewing potential managers:



a)    Managers and coaches need to be willing to learn and abide by the Little League International Rules and Regulations and by the local SHLL rules, policies and guiding principles.

b)    Attend SHLL meetings when requested.

c)    Participate in SHLL functions, i.e., Opening Day ceremonies, fundraising, work party days, picture day and various clinics.

d)    Spend the time necessary with the team at practices and games.

e)    Be willing to make up rainouts, tied or suspended games or continue them as required on the day and at the time assigned by the appropriate SHLL official.

f)     Handle the administrative requirements of the team, i.e., obtaining accurate team rosters, medical release forms and other items required by SHLL.

g)    Attend SHLL and or District 10 clinics on coaching, rules and safety. Be willing to learn more about

Baseball and Softball and how to teach young people the proper way to play the game.

h)    Be responsible for proper safeguarding and use of all SHLL equipment, facilities and uniforms. Be responsible to turn in all SHLL equipment and uniforms at the end of the season.

i)      Teach players and parents fair play, sportsmanship, team play and respect for the opponent and


j)      Work with all SHLL personnel and assist in providing an umpire core for SHLL.

k)    Accept the decisions of the SHLL Board of Directors as final. Understand that if found in violation of any of these rules, policies or proper conduct, any individual in the League is subject to immediate suspension and or dismissal from SHLL.


Leadership Qualities of Managers and Coaches

a)    Reflect an understanding of the age group they supervise.

b)    Are aware that they are an example to those with whom they work.

c)    Demonstrate that they have an appreciation of the philosophy of Little League, and cooperate with others in making the program of mutual benefit to all youngsters.

d)    Show by example that they respect the judgment and the position of authority of the umpires.

e)    Exercise their leadership role adequately, but leave the ball game in the hands of the players.

f)     Instill in their players a respect for the authority and decisions of the adult leaders in the Local League.

Encourage their players at every opportunity.

g)    Instill a desire to win and to improve, striving to impart as much knowledge of the game as possible to each player.

h)    Encourage good health habits, good grooming and care of the uniform.

i)      Are instrumental in shaping acceptable behavior patterns whether the team wins or loses.

j)      Know the playing Rules and Regulations of SHLL and LL and are able to interpret them correctly. Play by the rules and adhere to their intent, instilling in the players a respect for the rules of the game.

k)    Are well acquainted with player selection system and select players for the team according to their abilities.

l)      Are cautious and use sound, reasonable judgment in a protest situation.

m)   Have knowledge of first aid and safety.



3.2      Manager Responsibilities

Attend Required Meetings


Each coaching staff is required to attend a coach’s clinic at the start of the season as well as a team parent meeting (required attendance from at least one parent of coach representative per team) at the beginning of

their respective seasons.. Schedules, practices, attendance and parental responsibilities should be discussed at said meeting. Experience indicates that informed parents are more inclined to help out with the many tasks associated with a Little League team and program. A familiarization of Little League rules should be conducted in order to help prevent any abuses of such rules. Additionally, a review of the Local League structure should be done in order to identify such individuals as the Division Director,, Player Agents and Chief Umpire, who may assist in answering certain questions during the season. The parents’ meeting should be held separately, away from the practice field, where a manager has the individual attention of all his / her parents. All players are welcome to have a parent present at the parents’ meeting.


Practice Fields


The coaching staff has the full responsibility of a practice area and may not conduct a practice on any field not authorized and approved by SHLL. Safety standards are to be strictly observed, i.e., catcher's gear and protective helmets to be used, care in swinging the bats, supervising the players at all times, etc. If there is a requirement for materials or an additional practice area, contact the appropriate SHLL VP. Remember, the success of the team at game time is directly the product of their reaction and conduct at practice. Use of school and municipal facilities is a privilege, not a right. Adhere to facility rules, park in authorized areas; adhere to speed limits and coordinate field use with the appropriate SHLL VP. NOTE: Managers and coaches are reminded that NO practice can be conducted until after equipment pickup, generally in late February or early March, or upon being specifically authorized by the appropriate SHLL Vice President.




Either paper or electronic scorebooks should be maintained by the coaching staff. Minors and Majors Division Managers are required to use Game Changer and/or have a complete and comprehensive paper scorebook on hand at all points throughout the season. It is always a good idea to check the team scorebook with the official scorebook, especially concerning innings played and the number of pitches thrown by each of the team’s pitchers. Make sure scorekeepers note clearly how many innings have been played and the number of pitches thrown by each of the team’s pitchers (baseball only). Managers are responsible for ensuring the official score sheet is complete. The home team’s scorekeeper is the Official Scorekeeper for each game at the Minors, Majors, and Juniors levels, and as such is the Official Pitch Count Recorder (baseball only). The manager shall compare pitch count records with the Official Scorekeeper at the end of each inning to ensure proper pitch count for the pitcher of record, and all discrepancies should be resolved before the start of the next inning. Any Manager who fails to report and/or falsifies pitch counts is subject to discipline up to and including suspension  for the season.


3.3       Coach Selection


Team Managers in the T-Ball, A, AA, of Baseball and in the Coach Pitch and Minors Divisions of Softball may pre-select and appoint no more than 2 (two) Coaches for their teams prior to team selection. Should these Coaches have players in the division, they will automatically be assigned to the same team as the Coach.


In accordance with draft procedures, all coaches in drafted divisions must be selected following the conclusion of the Player Draft. There is no provision (other than the outlined “options” described below) to “protect” or otherwise pre-select a Coach’s child onto a roster unless drafted in the normal process in these divisions.


All managers and coaches must pass the background check and can be vetoed by the MSC if they don’t meet the requirements. All Coach selections are at the discretion of the Team Manager and are expected to follow all of the same codes of conduct as Team Managers. Team Managers who fail to enforce the standards and expectations of SHLL on their Coaches will be subject to discipline in accordance with League policy.


3.4       Manager / Coach Training


All Managers regardless of level or years managing a team, are required to attend the annual coach’s clinic. Coaches are not required but are strongly encouraged to attend as well. The coach’s clinic will be overseen by the coaching coordinator.


3.5       Manager / Coach Discipline


South Hill Little League has the right to discipline any person associated with the league when it determines that league rules, regulations, or operating policies have been violated. Disciplinary matters regarding any player, manager, coach, umpire or Member shall be resolved by the Disciplinary Committee of the Board, and there shall be no appeal from the decision of the Disciplinary Committee on any such disciplinary matter. Disciplinary matters involving any member of the Board, the Disciplinary Committee, or any other league committee, shall be resolved by the Board. The Disciplinary Committee (or Board, as applicable) shall have the right to impose any or all of the following as discipline:


•     Caution or censure of the person.

•     Suspension of the person from league activities for a specified period of time and/or a specified number of games and/or from specific league positions (such as manager, coach or umpire).

•     Other punishment for a specific period of time.

•     Any decision may contain conditions for continued involvement or may contain steps to be completed to remedy the problem giving rise to the violation. No discipline shall be longer than the remainder of the current fiscal year which ends on Sept. 30. Disciplinary actions shall not carry over to the next fiscal year.


Factors To Be Considered In Determining An Appropriate Course Of Action


•     Reasonableness of Action. No disciplinary action shall be taken against a person associated with SHLL unless the allegations against that person are supported in writing by the preponderance of the evidence.

•     Factors to be Considered in Selecting Penalties. In selecting a proposed penalty or deciding what penalty to impose for an offense, the Board considers the following factors:

o   the nature and seriousness of the offense, including whether the offense was intentional,

technical or inadvertent, was committed maliciously for gain, or was frequently repeated;

o   the individual's past disciplinary record;

o   consistency of the penalty with those imposed upon other people for the same or similar offenses

o    impact upon the reputation of SHLL.

•     Nondiscrimination. Under no circumstances shall SHLL discriminate against any person by taking disciplinary action on the basis of any of the following: race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability or sexual orientation; partisan political beliefs, affiliations or activities; or marital status.


Record Keeping


The League President or designee shall maintain a record of the allegations, deliberations, and decisions of the Board for all issues raised concerning any disciplinary action(s).


Guidelines For Disciplinary Offenses And Penalties


The guidelines of disciplinary offenses and penalties are established to provide uniformity in determining actions taken against individuals who have violated SHLL rules. The offenses listed do not address game rules, which are covered by Little League Rules. For the purpose of the table, the following terms are defined:


1)    Assault includes, but is not limited to the following acts committed on or threats against an individual: hitting, kicking, punching, choking, spitting at or on, grabbing or bodily running into; the act of kicking or throwing any object that could inflict injury; damaging property.


2)    Unsportsmanlike Conduct includes, but is not limited to: any actions taken that disrupts or makes a mockery of the game; use of obscene or vulgar language or gestures; baiting or inciting opposing players or manager/coaches; repeated ejection from the game; throwing or kicking equipment.

3)    Safety Violation includes, but is not limited to: any conditions during a game or practice that poses a threat to the safety or endangerment of players, coaches or spectators.

4)    Drug and Alcohol Use includes the use of any legally controlled substance; use of any alcoholic beverage; or use of prescription drug(s) that impairs the judgment of the manager/coach, especially as it pertains to the safety of the players. Players are prohibited from the use of such substances. SHLL officials are prohibited from using alcoholic beverages during all SHLL sanctioned games and practices, including postseason and tournament play.

5)    Tobacco Use includes the use of any tobacco or tobacco products during all SHLL or district sanctioned

games, practices, and/or other SHLL-related activities.

6)    Harassment includes unsolicited remarks, gestures or physical contact; display or circulation of written material or pictures derogatory to either gender or to racial, ethnic or religious groups; or basing personnel decisions on a volunteer's, member's or official's response to sexually oriented request. Sexual harassment is a type of harassment and occurs when this type of verbal or physical conduct is sexual in nature or is gender based; that is, directed at a person because of their gender.


Type of delinquency of Misconduct

Penalty for first offense

Penalty for second offense

Penalty for subsequent offences

Assault of harassment

Expulsion from game and premises; removal from any official duties and responsibilities, and option to be removed from the league pending review by the disciplinary committee

Two to four game suspension. Option to be removed from the league ending review by disciplinary committee.

Suspension for remainder of season. Shall not participate in or observe any league or team practices, games, or events.

Safety Violation

Verbal and documented Warning

Minimum one game suspension

2 – 4 game suspension for each repeated offense

Unsportsmanlike conduct

Expulsion form the game and premises; minimum one game suspension

Two to four game suspension

Suspension for remainder of season. Shall not participate in or observe any league practices, games, or events

Drug and Alcohol Use

Expulsion form the game and premises; minimum one game suspension

Two to four game suspension

Suspension for remainder of season. Shall not participate in or observe any league or team practices, games, or events

Tobacco Use

Verbal and documented Warning

Minimum one game suspension

2 – 4 game suspension for each repeated offense



Disciplinary Action Procedure


1)    The Disciplinary Committee will hear any complaints brought forth to any member of the board and the Committee has the authority to discipline any person involved in a SHLL program, including but not limited to SHLL officers, umpires, managers, coaches, players, and parents. If a case comes to the Committee in which a Committee member has a personal conflict or is a manager/coach at the same level as where the infraction took place, such Committee member shall recuse themselves from the case and they will be replaced by another board member, appointed by the President and acceptable to the remaining Committee members.

2)    Referrals Process: Any issue that may require discipline regarding any manager, coach, umpire, player or member to be considered may be brought to the attention of the league by any person. The President shall initially handle all referrals. If the President is the subject of the potential discipline, the referral shall be handled by a Vice President on the Disciplinary Committee.

3)    Referrals Investigation: The President or other Disciplinary Committee members under the President’s direction may at any time investigate the issues relating to the referral. In conducting this investigation, the President may contact the person who is the subject of the referral and potential discipline as well as any other persons with knowledge of matters relating to the issues presented. The President may determine that potential discipline should not be considered because of insufficient grounds to impose discipline or for other reasons. In that event, the President shall promptly inform the Disciplinary Committee of his or her decision in writing. If three or more members of the Disciplinary Committee provide written notice to the President within five days of receipt of the President’s notice that they wish to have the matter considered at a hearing, a hearing will be conducted notwithstanding the President’s opinion not to proceed. If the President determines that there is an adequate basis in fact for a hearing, the President shall promptly schedule a hearing with the Disciplinary Committee as soon as practicable. At least five days’ notice of the hearing shall be provided to the person who is the subject of the potential discipline. Such notice may be provided by email, and shall be also provided either by hand delivery or certified mail, return receipt requested. Notice will be deemed to have been provided when the email is sent to the affected person. The President shall present any information gathered to the Disciplinary Committee during any hearing which is conducted.

4)    Temporary Suspensions Prior to a hearing, the President is empowered to temporarily suspend any manager, coach, umpire, player or member on an interim basis. The President is to use this interim power sparingly, and only in situations where the safety of any person might be placed at risk, where there may have been violation of a law, or where there has apparently been flagrant violation of league rules. The President will take such interim action by providing email notice and a telephone message to the person who is the subject of the potential dispute. The Disciplinary Committee by 2/3 majority vote is empowered to revoke any interim suspension at any time.

5)    Hearing Procedure: Per Little League Rule 9.05 (C), after receiving an umpire’s report that a manager, coach or player has been ejected from a game, the President shall require such manager, coach or  player to appear before at least three members of the Disciplinary Committee to explain their conduct. In the case of a player, the manager and/or player’s parent(s) or guardian(s) shall appear with the player in the capacity of an advisor. This hearing should be held as soon as possible, within five days of the ejection if at all possible. The members of the Committee present at the meeting shall impose such penalties that it feels are warranted, but may not lessen the requirements of being suspended for his or her team’s next physically played game including attending the next game site and any pregame and postgame activities. The ejected individual does not have to meet in front of the Committee prior to the minimum single game suspension. In most cases, the minimum of a single game suspension will have already been administered. Ejection hearings and all other disciplinary hearings brought before the Disciplinary Committee shall be conducted in an informal but orderly fashion. The person who is the subject of the disciplinary hearing shall have the right to attend the presentation of all evidence to be considered and shall have the right to present evidence. The President shall preside over the hearing. No one other than the Disciplinary Committee and the subject of the discipline shall have the right to attend the hearing or to hear the testimony of any witness. In any hearing involving a minor, the minor shall   have the right to have his/her parents or legal guardians present. At the disciplinary hearing, the  President and the Disciplinary Committee shall:

a.    Re-state the charges for the record.

b.    Provide the accused with ample opportunity to respond.

c.     Could decide to take no further action.

d.    Could decide to draft a warning or letter of reprimand.

e.    Could decide on some other punishment, or to revoke all or part of the person’s membership privileges for a specific period of time, but not longer than the remainder of the current fiscal year.

Any hearing on discipline and any interim suspension may be terminated by the President upon receipt of written notice from the person affected by the hearing/suspension that the person has voluntarily  resigned his or her position and/or terminated his or her Membership in South Hill Little League.

6)    Decision of Disciplinary Committee: At the conclusion of the fact-finding hearing, the Disciplinary Committee shall adjourn for deliberation. Unless a 2/3 majority of the Committee finds that adequate grounds exist for disciplinary action, the complaint shall be dismissed. If the 2/3 majority of the  Committee finds that adequate grounds exist for disciplinary action, then the committee shall issue a written decision setting forth the rule, regulation or policy violated, and the sanction ordered as a result of the violation. Depending upon the severity of the infraction and taking into consideration prior repeated infractions, sanctions may include reprimand or censor, dismissal or suspension from any further SHLL activities. The decision may also contain conditions for continued involvement in SHLL activities and may contain steps to be completed to remedy the problem that gave rise to the violation. The decision of the 2/3 majority of the Disciplinary Committee shall be final.

7)    End of Season Disciplinary Actions: If a manager or coach is ejected in the last game of the season for that individual, suspension or other penalties shall not carry forward to the next season. Disciplinary action can only be administered during the current fiscal year ending on September 30. Depending upon the severity of the infraction and associated penalties, such penalties may be grounds by the league President to automatically remove the individual from consideration as a manager, coach or umpire.

8)    Request For Reinstatement: The disciplinary decision of the Disciplinary Committee shall be final, and shall not be subject to appeal. A disciplined individual may, however, submit in writing a request for early termination of disciplinary sanction, including a request for reinstatement in SHLL related activities. Any such request shall be made in writing, directed to the SHLL President, and shall set forth the reasons why the requested relief should be granted. Following the written request for relief for reinstatement, the Disciplinary Committee may consider the request at a scheduled meeting. If a 2/3 majority of the Disciplinary Committee votes to terminate or modify the sanctions, the same shall be terminated or modified as set forth by the Disciplinary Committee in a written decision to the violator. Such written decision may contain conditions to the violator for further involvement in SHLL activities.

Disciplinary Process


Complaint received. initial investigation by President

Is complaint confirmed and actionable?                    No

Inform disciplinary committee


Schedule disciplinary committee hearing

No                     Disciplinary committee to dismiss case?

Is complaint confirmed and actionable                     No



Case closed


Disciplinary committee determines & issues disciplinary action



South Hill LL offers the following baseball and softball divisions. The number of teams is subject to change due to field availability and number of registered players. See League Division rules document for yearly breakdown of divisions (







Selection method




4, 5, 6

T-Ball is recommended if player has no previous organized baseball experience (including age 6).

No Evaluation, Friend/Coach requests accepted





6, 7

Division is Coach Pitch only. Player’s age 5, currently enrolled in Kindergarten and have 1 year of organized T-Ball can request to play Coach Pitch, subject to safety review.

No Evaluation, Friend/Coach requests accepted



Baseball Minors A

7, 8

Developmental Division

No Evaluation, Friend/Coach requests accepted




Baseball Minors AA

8, 9

9-year- olds must try out for AAA. If not drafted, they will be placed in AA division. 10-year olds who have never played organized baseball before may request a waiver into this Division.

No Evaluation, Friend/Coach requests accepted



Baseball Minors AAA

9, 10, 11

10-year-olds must first sign up in AAA or Majors and 11-year-olds must first sign up in Majors.

Evaluation and Draft




Baseball Majors

10, 11, 12

(All 12-year-olds must play in BB Majors unless parent/legal guardian requests child to play in BB

Minors AAA or is deemed a safety risk by the Player

Agent and waiver is approved by both SHLL and D10)

Evaluation and Draft


Baseball Juniors


13, 14


Evaluation and Draft



Softball Coach Pitch



6, 7, 8

No Evaluation, Friend/Coach requests accepted



Softball Minors AAA



8, 9, 10

No Evaluation, Friend/Coach requests accepted


Softball Majors


10, 11, 12


Evaluation and Draft


Softball Juniors


13, 14


Evaluation and Draft



The most important consideration in assigning players to teams is the assignment of players to the level of play they are best suited for and to distribute the available player talent so that all teams, in all divisions, of South Hill LL are competitive.


5.1       T-ball, Rookies, Baseball Minors A, Baseball Minors AA, Softball Coach Pitch, and Softball Minors


Divisions listed above will consist of as many teams as space allows, and should contain no more than thirteen (13), nor fewer than ten (10) players per team. Buddy requests, coach requests, previous experience, and elementary school will all be considered in creating each team. For Softball Minors only, returning players that are not selected into the Majors draft will return to their previous team. The player agent will distribute the remaining players that are not selected to a Majors team onto the remaining roster positions


5.2       Baseball Minors AAA


Minors Baseball League should consist of no more than twelve (12) players per team selected from the 9-11- year-olds remaining after the Major Baseball League draft. All candidates who are league age eleven (11) must be drafted to a Minors Division team, and no Minor team shall consist of more than eight (8) 11-year-olds. Similar to the Major Division, the Player Agent shall ensure even distribution of all 11-year players with a variance between teams no greater than 2.


5.3       Baseball and Softball Majors


Major Baseball League will consist of no more than twelve (12) players per team, with a maximum of ten (10) teams in a division. All candidates who are league age twelve (12) must be drafted to a Major Division team, and no Major team shall consist of more than eight (8) twelve-year-olds. Exceptions can only be made with written approval from the District Administrator, and only if approved at the local league level by the Board of Directors and the parent of the candidate. The Player Agent shall ensure that the total number of 12-year-old players are dispersed evenly across all Major Division teams with a variance no greater than two. For example, in a 6-team Division with 42 twelve-year olds players, each team shall carry no more than 8 players of this age and no fewer than 6 players of this age. In addition, no Majors team can carry more than two three (2) ten-year-olds. The Player Agent has to monitor this situation during the draft. Majors Division teams will be selected through a draft procedure following player evaluations.


5.4       Baseball and Softball Juniors


Junior Baseball and Softball Leagues shall consist of no more than fifteen (15) players per team, as feasible, who are assigned following the player evaluations, to the extent such evaluation exists at this level, or at such number as determined by the Juniors Division Director. If SHLL has Intermediate 50/70 Baseball League teams, participation will be limited to only 13-year old players and all 13-year-olds MUST play at that level.




6.1       Baseball (Minors AAA, Majors, Juniors) and Softball (Majors, Juniors) Draft Procedure – Plan A: Conventional Draft Plan

SHLL utilizes Little League Plan A for drafted divisions. The number of Majors teams will be determined by the number of league age 12 athletes registered. The overall division should have an average of six 12-year-old players per team, but should not more than eight 12-year-old players per team. If there must be more than eight 12-year-olds on a team due to the total number of 12-year-olds registered, no single team should have more than one 12-yr-old more than other teams (e.g. Team a shouldn’t have ten 12-yr-olds when other teams only have eight). The determination for each season shall be made within 48 hours of the close of Majors registration and in consideration of number of Team Managers available.


Players that played the previous year on a Majors team, do not need to attend evaluations and will be placed back on Majors team. If the number of Majors teams stays the same as the previous year, they will be placed back on their previous team. If the number increases or decreases, they may be moved to a different Majors roster via an expansion or contraction draft. There is no guarantee of returning to the same roster. Coaches are not guaranteed, per Little League policy, and should be chosen only after the roster has been drafted.


Players must attend one of the SHLL tryouts to be eligible for drafting into the Majors Division. Any player age 11 or below who does not attend a tryout will automatically be drafted into the Minors AAA Division. Any player age 12 who does not attend a tryout will have their name placed in a hat along with any other 12-year-olds who did not attend a tryout and will be randomly drawn in order by the teams at the conclusion of the draft. Any Manager or Coach who encourages a player or family not to attend a tryout in an attempt to draft them blindly onto a  roster will be suspended for the season from SHLL. Players league age 10 and 11 signed up for Majors, are not guaranteed a roster spot on a Majors team and may be transferred to a Minors team.


Trades are allowable but all trades must be completed before the Manager’s leave the draft room the night of the draft and before any players have been informed of their draft team selection. Trades must be submitted in writing from both team Managers and approved by the Player Agent before being considered official.


A team from the previous year shall be considered a standard returning team as long as 3 or more players are returning to the selected team. If a returning team has only 1 or 2 players, it would not be considered a standard returning team. Any players remaining on a team deemed “non-returning” will be entered back in the general draft and must be drafted to a Majors team for the following season. These players must attend the tryouts or be subject to the tryout rules. In the event that the team is disbanded but once again a team name for the following season, it will be treated as an expansion team in the division.


When a thorough tryout program has been completed, the last-place team of the preceding season (the end of the season is determined when the very last game is played; if a playoff and tournament is played then standings are determined after the championship game, if no playoff then standings after the final regular season game) gets the first choice in every round of the draft, the next to last place team gets the second selection in every round and the remaining teams select in the reverse order of standing. Each team selects in the first round and continues the process until all rosters are complete. Teams will drop out of draft once they reach a roster total of 12 players..


For the purpose of explanation, let us assume that there are four teams in the league.

First Round:

•     Fourth place manager selects the first player

•     Third place manager selects the second player

•     Second place manager selects the third player

•     First place manager selects the fourth player

Second Round:

•     Fourth place manager selects the fifth player

•     Third place manager selects the sixth player

•     Second place manager selects the seventh player

•     First place manager selects the eighth player, etc., until the rosters are completed.

Except for unique circumstances, managers should not select more than eight players in a given age group. The player agent (present at the draft) must remain cognizant of the number of remaining 12-year-olds, the number of remaining picks, and the number of available spots on each team based on the number of 12-year-olds already on the team; and must inform teams if/when they must select a 12-year-old, or when they can no longer select any 12-year-olds.


Bonus Picks: Each manager requiring eight or more players prior to the draft to complete the roster will be allowed one bonus pick at the completion of round four. If more than one manager is allowed bonus picks under this section, the order of rotation will be identical to that being followed in the draft. Expansion teams are not eligible for this provision.


Draft Attendance: Each Division Manager may invite one adult guest to assist them with the draft. Player  Agent, President, Division VP and other necessary board members may attend the draft. Players may not attend the draft process at any time.

Player Notification: When the draft is complete, trading period ends and the Player Agent has finalized the rosters, all managers will be notified that they may contact the players on their respective rosters. Do not contact any drafted player until you are authorized in writing by the Player Agent. Violation of this rule is cause for suspension of the Manager.

Confidentiality: The Draft is kept completely confidential, including Skills Evaluation during try-outs, player draft order and trades. Each individual attending the draft is responsible for maintaining confidentiality of the draft and draft materials. All draft materials must be returned to the Player Agent at the conclusion of the draft. Violation of this rule by a Manager or their invited guest is cause for suspension of the Manager.


6.2       Options


An option is an agreement between a manager and the player agent covering a special condition. All options must be in writing (except No. 1) and be submitted to the player agent 48 hours prior to the draft. The options are as follows


1.    Brothers/Sisters in the Draft – When there are two or more siblings in the draft, and the first brother or sister is drafted by a manager, that manager automatically has an option to draft the other brother or sister on the next turn. If the manager does not exercise the option, the second sibling is then available to be drafted by any team.

2.    Brothers/Sisters of Players Currently on a Team – If desired, a manager shall submit an option in writing on a draftee if the player candidate’s brother or sister is a member of that manager’s team. If such an option is submitted, the manager MUST draft the sibling within the first three draft selections.

3.    Sons/Daughters of Managers – If a manager has sons and/or daughters eligible for the draft, and

wishes to draft them, he/she must submit the option in writing. If so stated, the parent/manager is required to exercise the option at or before the close of the specific draft round (see draft rounds table below), depending on the League age of sons and/or daughters. Parent/manager option takes priority over any other option. NOTE: These provisions also apply for managers having eligible brothers or sisters in the draft.

4.    Sons/Daughters of Returning Coaches – A NEW coach shall not be appointed nor approved until after the draft to avoid “Red Shirting” of players through selective coaching appointments. A returning coach, through the manager, may exercise an option in writing to the player agent provided: (1) The coach has served as a manager or coach in the league (at any level) for the past two years AND, (2) The coach is returning to the same Major League team as last year. IMPORTANT: In order for a manager to exercise this option, the coach must qualify under BOTH conditions above.

5.    Draft Rounds – If an option is submitted in writing for the son and/or daughter of a manager or coach,

such candidate must be drafted in or before the following round:





Draft Round

Little League age

Juniors age

Little League age

Juniors age


















Each player acquired shall, for the duration of their Major Little League career, be the property of the team and league or division making the acquisition, unless subsequently traded or released. Off-Season Release: Players in the Major Division and above may request to be released during the off-season. Such requests must be made prior to individual players registration of the upcoming season and must be approved by majority vote of the Board. If approved, release provides player to selected to another team in a division through the regular draft and must attend the tryout, but not to move down a division.


6.3      Expansion and Contraction Procedure



In the event of expansion of the Majorwithin any drafter Ddivision of either Softball or Baseball, SHLL utilizes Little League Expansion Method Option Three. This expansion draft shall occur no less than 24 hours before the Regular Draft and trades of players selected in the Expansion Draft will be allowable, when presented in writing and with the approval of the Player Agent. This plan simply has every existing team placing players in a player pool from which the new expansion teams will draft players in a preliminary draft. The player pool is formed by the following procedure:


The team with the fewest returning players (at least 4) will place one player into the pool and in doing so, will establish the key to the number of players all other teams can retain. For example, let’s assume a division expanding from five teams to six:


•     Major Team A has four returning players – contributes one player to expansion pool;

•     Major Team B has five players returning – contributes two players to expansion pool;

•     Major Team C has five returning players – contributes two players to expansion pool;

•     Major Team D has six players returning – contributes three players to expansion pool;

•     Major Team E has six returning players – contributes three players to expansion pool;


In one-team expansion using this example, the expansion team manager chooses three players in a preliminary draft. All players remaining in the Major League expansion player pool then return to their original teams. (If the expansion is by two teams, each chooses three players, alternating picks.) The max number of players from a single team shall be determined by the number of roster spots being filled by the expansion pool divided by the number of returning teams adding to the expansion pool. In this example, the one new team has 3 roster spots with 5 returning teams. That calculation becomes 3 / 5 = .6 players. Rounding up to the next whole number/player that would be 1 player from each team. that can be selected from the expansion pool shall be 3 players regardless of how many get added to the pool.


The regular draft of Minor League players will then begin with the expansion team(s) drafting first in each round. In the event there are multiple expansion teams, their draft order will be determined by random draw, and said order shall be established for the duration of the regular draft. The established teams then draft in reverse order of the finish in last year’s schedule.

Team Reduction


In the event of contraction of the Major Division of either Softball or Baseball, SHLL utilizes Little League Contraction Method Option B. Through a regular draft wherein, if a number of returning Major League players has not been drafted by the time that same number of draft picks remain, those returning players must be the only players eligible from that point forward in the draft. (Example: The number of teams is reduced, putting six Major League players back into the draft. At the draft, with three selections left to be made, there are three players from the six returnees who have not yet been drafted. Those three players become the only three eligible players, and must be drafted.)

Player Release & Filling A Vacancy On A Team

Release of players shall follow the Little League Operations Manual and the respective Rule Books. If a team has an injured player that will miss more than three weeks of regularly scheduled games (not pre-season, aka ‘cactus league’ games), that player will be replaced and the team will carry 13 players for the remainder of the season. Players MUST be replaced. It is NOT up to the manager to make a decisiondecide to play with fewer players and this could provide an unfair advantage. This requirement is waived if the team loses the player within 17 days of the last scheduled regular-season league game of the league.

Mandatory Attendance

While circumstances occasionally demand absence from practice or games, players and families should prioritize attendance for the benefit of both the player and the team. Should a player attend less than 50% of practices, the Manager, at his/her discretion, may choose to not play a player in the next game. In the event that a player attends less than 50% of practices and games in sum total by the third week of the season, the player may be eligible for release. Such an instance would be reviewed and approved by the Player Agent and the Competition Committee.


7       ALL-STARS


To assemble the best talent and coaching staff to represent South Hill Little League. Best talent is determined by regular season play, effort, and attitude. The League will have the following All-Star teams for baseball and softball divisions as long as there are sufficient players to field a team:

•     Baseball 8-10

•     Baseball 9-11

•     Baseball Little League 10-12 (Majors)

•     Baseball Juniors – 12, 13, and 14-year-old

•     Softball 8-10

•     Softball 9-11

•     Softball Little League 10-12 (Majors)

•     Softball Juniors – 12, 13, and 14-year-old

7.1       All-Star Committee (ASC)


The All-Star Committee will be comprised of 5 current members of the SHLL Board. Members of the ASC shall not be comprised of anyone that may have a conflict of interest. If a member of the committee has a personal conflict (Members in manager or coaching positions consideration, family member of eligible players, etc.) such Committee member shall recuse themselves from the case and they will be replaced by another board member, appointed by the President and acceptable to the remaining Committee members.


7.2       Manager and Coach Eligibility and Selection


Manager and Coach Eligibility


All managers and coaches who have managed or coached in the appropriate division for at least one-half of the regularly scheduled current season games are eligible to serve as an All-Star Team Manager.*
The All-Star Committee reserves the right to elect managers and/or coaches that do not meet the 50% requirements if no manager/coach steps forward or the only choice is a manager/coach not in good standing with the league.


•     Any Minors AAA or Majors Manager or Coach may be the 8-10 All-Star Team Manager.

•     Any Majors Manager or Coach may be the 9-11 All-Star Team Manager.

•     Any Majors Manager or Coach may be (Little League) 10-12 All-Star Team Manager.

•     Any Manager or Coach in the Junior division may become an All-Star Manager in the division in which he/she coached during the regular season.

*SENIORS Baseball /Softball Managers may be any person age 18+ that is in good standing with the League.  The manager may not necessarily have managed or coached a team in the current season. 

Candidates for All-Star Manager/Coach will be evaluated by the following criteria in no specific order of importance:


•     Experience managing/coaching

•     Game/rule knowledge and ability to teach fundamentals, positively motivate and bring out the best in every player.

•     Sportsmanship and conduct throughout the season on and off the field.

•     Ability to represent South Hill Little League in a positive way.

•     Ability to assess the skill levels of players without bias towards own child or current team players and to assign players to the appropriate positions to field the most competitive team.

•     Ability to communicate positively with players, parents, league and district officials.

•     Commitment to practice and game schedules throughout the district, state, regional, national and international levels.


Manager and Coach Selection


The President shall send out an email inviting all eligible Managers and Coaches to submit a letter of interest on May 1. Letters of interest shall then be sent to the President and All-Star Committee for review by a date set forth in the communication. The ASC will facilitate the All-Star Manager selection using the criteria listed above as a guide.


Selected All-Star Managers will choose up to two Coaches from eligible Managers and Coaches for each of the 8-10, 9-11, and (Little League) 10-12 teams. It is highly recommended that all three coaches not come from the same regular season team. The All-Star Committee shall provide input, if required. All-Star Managers and Coaches shall be selected and announced in mid-May after a vote of approval by the ASC. An All-Star Manager or Coach selection does not automatically qualify their child to be on the All-Star Team. Each player must make the team in the prescribed method independently. It is highly recommended that Coach nominations not be finalized until after the player selection has been finalized. If an All-Star Manager/Coach replacement needs to occur during the tournament season, replacement Managers/Coaches need to be submitted to and approved by the President and All-Star Committee.



7.3       Baseball Player Eligibility and Selection


Player Eligibility


All players in the Majors Division are eligible for consideration for All-Star selection. The President and/or ASC will solicit names of eligible players interested in participating in the All-Star process prior to the end of regular season play in mid-May. To be eligible for the All-Star selection, a player must meet the following criteria:


•     Players must have declared themselves interested in being considered for All-Stars through the process defined by the President and ASC no later than the deadline set.

•     Players must meet current Little League International rules for All-Star eligibility.


•     Players must commit to being available for all practices and tournament games, unless due to injury, illness, or other circumstances, with prior approval by the All-Star Manager.

•     To be eligible for the (Little League) 10-12 All-Star team, a player must be playing in the Majors Division.

•     To be eligible for the 8-10 or 9-11 All-Star teams, a player must be playing in the Minors or Majors Division.


Player Selection


Once eligible players have been compiled by the All-Star Committee and player agents, the selection will take place in three phases


1.    10-12 All-Star Team Selection

2.      9-11 All-Star Team Selection

3.      8-10 All-Star Team Selection


Team Managers are responsible for nominating players to attend the All-Star tryout. Majors Division Managers may nominate as many players as they would like from their regular season team. Minors Division Managers may nominate up to 5 players from their regular season team. Once all Majors division players who confirm eligibility for All-Stars have been compiled and a tryout has been completed, a ballot shall be submitted to all Majors Division Managers who will vote for their Top 15 players in the Majors Division in a ranked order from 1 through 15. Each vote shall carry a weight inverse of the order (i.e. a player ranked #1 on a Managers ballot carries a weight of 15 points while a player ranked #15 on a Managers ballot carries a weight of 1 point). The top 9 with the highest point totals will be selected as the first nine players of the 10-12 All-Star team. Should any of these players be age 11 or younger, they and their parents will be confidentially informed that they have been selected for the 10-12 All-Star team and given the choice to either remain on that team or play for the All-Star team (9-11 or 8-10) of their age bracket. Any players choosing to “play down” would then constitute the first chosen players for that All-Star team and the next highest vote getter from the original selections would replace this player on the 10-12 All-Star team. After 9 players have been identified, the 10-12 All-Star Manager would choose the additional players for the team (between 3 and 5 players) from the pool of any player who received at least one vote in the selection process. Players who received no votes are not eligible for selection.


Following the conclusion of the 10-12 All-Star selection process, all remaining 12-year-olds must be removed from the calculation and the same process will begin again with all 11-year-olds. If enough 11-year-olds received votes to comprise the top nine selections of the 9-11 All-Star team these spots will be thus filled. If not enough 11-year-olds received votes to fill nine selections, a new ballot comprised only of 11-year-olds will be sent to the Majors Division Managers who will rank the Top 12 in descending order similar to the original rankings of all Majors Managers. After the top nine have been selected by this process the 9-11 All-Star Manager would  choose the additional players for the team (between 3 and 5 players) from the pool of any player who received at least one vote in the selection process or from the 8-10 All-Star tryouts to be scheduled and completed on the following day.


Participants in the 8-10 All-Star tryout will be comprised by nomination from each Minors AAA Division Manager and based on prior acceptance and commitment to the All-Star process. Upon completion of the Tryout, the 9-11 All-Star Manager will first complete his/her team either by selecting players from the Tryout or from the  remaining list of eligible Majors players. Once the 9-11 All-Star team is complete, the Minors Managers (who should all attend the 8-10 tryouts) will vote on their Top 12 players either from the tryouts or from the pool of remaining 10-year-olds in the Majors Division as All-Stars. The top 9 vote getters in ranked choice will fill the first nine positions on the 8-10 All-Star team. The 8-10 All-Star Manager will then fill the balance of his/her roster  from the remaining pool of candidates ages 8, 9, or 10 who received at least one vote either in the Majors or Minors Manager votes. In the event there are no remaining players who received a vote, the Manager may choose from the overall remaining pool of eligible SHLL players.


7.4       Softball Player Eligibility and Selection




8/9/10 Each Manager from the AAA Minors division may nominate up to 5 eligible players from their regular season team. Each Manager from the Majors division may nominate as many eligible players as they’d like from their regular season team. Nominated players attend a tryout.


9/10/11 This team is established after final rosters have been set for the 8/9/10 and Softball Majors teams. The Softball Player Agent, Softball Vice President, and all-star Manager will look at remaining eligible players and cohesively form the 9/10/11 team. Special consideration should be given to players receiving votes and making sure all playing positions will be accommodated.


Softball Majors (10/11/12) Each Manager from the Majors division may nominate up to 5 eligible players from their regular season team. Each Manager from the Juniors division may nominate as many eligible players as they’d like from their regular season team. Nominated players are compiled onto a master ballot and each regular season Manager from the Majors Division votes for their top 10 players. The top 10 vote getters are automatically assigned to the team. The all-star Manager then must add 2-4 additional players to the team. Additional players must have received at least one vote. The team is comprised of 12-14 players. Majors Managers must make special arrangements to evaluated nominated players from the Juniors Division during regular season play. Failure to do so, may terminate the Manager’s voting privilege.


Junior League Softball (12/13/14) Each Manager from the Juniors division may nominate up to 7 eligible players from their regular season team baring SHLL fielded a minimum of 2 teams in this division for regular season play. If SHLL failed to field a minimum of 2 teams in this division for regular season play, the team formation will be left at the discretion of the Player Agent. If a minimum of 2 teams participated in regular season play, then a ballot will be put together and all regular season Managers from this division will get to vote for their top 10 players. The top 10 vote getters are automatically assigned to the team. The all-star Manager then must add 2-4 additional players to the team. Additional players must have received at least one vote. The team is comprised  of 12-14 players.


Special Nominations


The softball Player Agent, softball Vice President, or AAA Director may nominate additional players to attend the 8/9/10 tryouts. The softball Player Agent, softball Vice President, Majors Director, or Juniors Director may nominate additional players for all-star consideration for the 9/10/11, Softball Majors, Junior League Softball, and Senior League Softball teams




All nominated players for the 8/9/10 softball all-star team attend a tryout. Regular season managers from the AAA and Majors divisions required to attend and are allowed one voting sheet per team managed. Managers are allowed to vote for up to 10 players from the tryout that they deem all-star worthy. The top 10 vote getters are automatically assigned to the all-star team. The all-star manager then must add 2-4 additional players to the team. Additional players must have received at least one vote. The team is comprised of 12-14 players.


7.5       Announcement & Commencement of All-Star Teams


The release of names of players selected for the All-Star Teams will not be announced and practices will not start prior to the day identified by local district LLI rules. All-Star Managers shall notify each player that was selected for their All-Star team. The All-Star Committee will post all of the All-Star rosters on the website and social media after selected players have been notified to inform the rest of the league.


If any All-Star Manager determines that, due to injury or absence, insufficient players are available, the manager can request additional players within Little League Tournament rules. Alternates or substitution players are to be


selected from the available pool of All-Star nominees. The All-Star Manager will submit any alternates or substitution player selections to the All-Star committee for approval.


8       South Hill Little League Leadership


8.1       Board of Directors Positions


In accordance with LLI rules, SHLL will at all times maintain a minimum number of 10 Directors in the following positions:


•     President

•     Vice President of Operations

•     Vice President of Baseball

•     Vice President of Softball

•     Treasurer

•     Secretary

•     Player Agent

•     Safety Officer

•     Umpire-in-Chief

•     Coaching Coordinator


One of the three Vice Presidents shall serve in the official role of Vice President along with the President, Treasurer, Secretary, Player Agent (one will be selected should there be multiple Player Agents), Safety Officer, and Coaching Coordinator as “Officers” of SHLL. Individuals may not occupy more than one of these listed ten roles at one time. Individuals in one of these ten positions may occupy no more than one additional Board position if said position falls under the purview of their primary role.


Beyond these ten positions, SHLL may designate additional Board of Directors positions as it sees fit, but should strive to not to exceed 30 total members of the Board.


The offices of President, Vice President of Baseball, Secretary, Umpire-in-Chief, and Safety Officer will be voted upon in even fiscal years while the offices of Vice President of Operations, Vice President of Softball, Treasurer, Player Agent, and Coaching Coordinator will be voted upon in odd fiscal years.


8.2       Board of Directors Roles and Responsibilities


All Board Members are required to attend monthly meetings and are required to attend the Jamboree, Coaches Clinic, and Rainiers Takeover Night. A board member may be excused from attending a required event or board meeting by contacting the Secretary 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting or event time.


A board member that does not meet these requirements or has more than 2 consecutive unexcused absences may be voted off the board by a 2/3 majority vote.


A document containing the Director positions roles and responsibilities should be reviewed annually, updated as needed, and posted on the SHLL website (

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